Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis Of The Poem Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe

In â€Å"To Tell-Tale Heart† by Edgar Allen Poe many different ideas are challenged to the deepest extend. This short story is a horror story, in the first person perspective, and based on the behavior of paranoia, guilt and murder. Most of Poe’s short stories are deep and dark just as this one is but ultimately have a background to the a plot. The author in the story finds himself fighting between the power of evil and pride. He or she fulfills that burden by committing an act that is immoral for most of humanity. That act was the murder of an old man. The narrator defines the line between insanity and pride with that gruesome murder, and throughout the short story Poe uses many literary devices to explain how significant things are in the story. When the story continues does the author free himself or still burdened by the so-called â€Å"evil†? The evil that is being referred to has to do with the idea of someone watching you at all times. The old man r epresents that higher power, and the fact the narrator is overwhelmed by not being able to beat that higher power results in a murder. Does that make the narrator insane or moral? The prolonged sentences at the beginning of the story reflect the craziness because of the excessive use of hyphens. In the beginning of the story the murderer is denying the fact of insanity, â€Å"why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses – not destroyed – not dulled them. †¦ How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe howShow MoreRelatedComparitve Analysis of the Raven Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe1257 Words   |  6 PagesComparative Analysis of the Tell Tale Heart and the Raven Edgar Allen Poe was the author of several daunting works of literature. Two examples of Edgar Allen Poes literature are The Tell Tale Heart and The Raven. 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